I thought these tomatoes were really beautiful---all the colors of the rainbow. I picked them when they were really hard & green, so I was surprised at how ripe they got. They actually got much riper, but I didn't take any more pics.

Yesterday was my friend Drew's birthday, so I gave him this card that I made. I carved the mushroom & happy poo stamps too. It's really fun to carve your own, but the material I use is pretty fragile, like if you rub it, it will crumble. My advice: simple is better & don't be too attached to your creations!

Ethan recently found this owl that I made a year ago. It's been driving me nuts, not knowing where it is. I thought Ruben ate it or something!

I made some Halloween cards for sending out. They were made with a combination of purchased & homemade stamps.
For my mom. She loved this witch design that she found on the internet somewhere. I kind of simplified it, but she still thought it was cool.

Skull card. I carved the skull & really like how it came out!

More generic cards, made from the set of Halloween stamps I got at Joann's.



I also made a couple non-Halloween cards, in case something non-Halloween-y came up.
Green deer:

Brown deer:

That's it! I need to do homework now...
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