This photo of the cross stitch is hard to read, so I'll type out the text. It's based on an affirmation by Louise L. Hay. I thought it would inspire Mom to keep on her path of self-healing. She's such a strong woman. I love you, Mom!

"I am one with Life, and all of Life loves and supports me. Therefore, I claim for myself an open heart filled with love. We are all doing the best we can at any given moment, and this is also true for me. The past is over and done. I am not my parents, nor their own patterns of resentment. I am my own unique self, and I choose to open my heart and allow the love, compassion, and understanding to flush out all memories of past pain. I am free to be all that I can be. This is the truth of my being, and I accept it as so. All is well in my life."Send your moms some loving vibes, today & every day!
LOVE IT!!! Did you chart it out? Can I buy it?