Sunday, March 6, 2011

I did it!

Today I graduated the Couch to 5K program, after running my third 5K for the week! I'm so happy & can't wait to work on my speed. Here I am after the first 5K, last Tuesday. So glam.

After my owl post last night I found the coolest site for "owlovers", My Owl Barn. I am trying with all my might to resist ordering these boots. Gah! So tempted...

I've had my eye on these earrings too, but I'm graduating soon-ish, & need to be frugal. So pretty, & they're silver too!


  1. Congratulations on graduating!! :) So exciting!

    Those boots are ADORABLE!!! I love owls, too.

  2. Thanks! :)

    I know, I keep trying to convince myself I "need" them!
