We went with Angel's Rest Trailhead.

Sounds innocent enough, right?! No...I was dying from the start. It was so steep (a common trait in mountains!) & I felt like a total wimp. It did make me realize I need to get out & do more hiking though, so I can show my sister that I can tackle a decent trail!
She looks skeptical though...

After the initial shock of such an arduous trek, I got more & more used to the painful & sweaty state that my body was in & kept trucking along. We saw some really cool stuff on the way to the top! I would have taken more pictures had I not been having a heart attack along the way.
Here is what I imagine a space flower would look like:

It's hard to tell from the picture, but these slabs of rock were massive! We were like ants crawling over them. Speaking of critters, we saw a crazy-big spider up there, but it went between some rocks before I could snap a picture.

After huffing & puffing for miles, we were rewarded with this beautiful view of the Columbia Gorge!

It was definitely worth the pain & I felt so good afterward---my muscles were humming. On the way back home, I HAD TO get a shot of this place that Eth & I drive by on our way to Goodwill. I've told friends about it, but the picture is priceless, I mean, really! So many peenz!

When I got back, Ethan was intent on going to the driving range, to practice his swing. I'm not into golf at all. Just going to the fancy-schmancy golf course is a total culture shock---let's just say that hanging with rich people in polo shirts isn't my thing. It was fun to watch him though. He's really good!

What a beautiful hike! I'm glad to know you're back in the blogging world again :)